Monday, 30 January 2012

29 Faces Challenge

Okay, I've decided to sign up for the 29 Faces challenge of February, over at Ayala Art.  One piece of face art every day for the month.  Can I do it?  We'll find out ...

On the positive, side, I did recently buy a new sketch book, which is comprised of handmade paper.  Yes, it is incentive to do the face drawings.

It'll also be interesting to see what kind of art other participants come up with.

Here We Go!

I'm using this space to blog the process of starting and maintaining my shop at etsy, called Inklets.

There are a few issues that I need to deal with, like how to present a store front that includes photo PDF downloads, snail mail ink art, and recipes.  The colour scheme, as a result, is a miss mash of pinks, greens, reds and well ... you get the idea.

On top of that, there is the actual work involved in monitoring it.  I go a few times a day to check and see if people have messaged or purchased anything.  Most often, at this point, there is nothing, but the odd sale does excite me.  It's inspirational to see shops out there, like

And last but not least, there is the actual product, the recipes, photos, and artwork.  Those elements take up the most time.  Currently, I'm in the process of writing down and photographing some of the recipes that I make regularly.  Good thing I enjoy doing it!

As for art, well, I'm always taking photos.  Creating ink drawings, though, is an ambition pursuit right now; I want to create my own set of rune cards.  That alone is a massive undertaking, but I'm enjoying the rough drawings I've done so far.

Until next time ...